
Starts With You

We create landscapes that are sustainable, edible & local.

Award winning landscapes inspired by, permaculture, science, ecology, community & food source.

The future of landscaping.

Before & After…

  • Responsible stormwater management through riverbeds, rain gardens and catchment techniques

  • Ecosystem aware to support local plant, animal and insect species

  • Utilizing organic methods and science for lower chemical impact

  • Help develop self sufficiency by growing food and living off the land

  • Registered Monarch Waystations

  • Support for community development by hiring out local artisans.

Our Organization

Our wholehearted mission is to create landscapes that help preserve connection to the land and its people. The focus is to create personalized outdoor living spaces that bring us back to interact with nature. The designs embrace responsible stormwater management, supporting ecosystems and self sufficiency food for us. Trades people like blacksmiths, masonry and stone laying artists, carpenters, sculptors and many more create the team that make it local. Ultimately, communities are enriched by the ways of old and new…connecting with your land and becoming more self sustainable.

What We Do

  • Responsible stormwater management through riverbeds, rain gardens and catchment techniques

  • Ecosystem aware to support local plant, animal and insect species

  • Utilizing organic methods and science for lower chemical impact

  • Help develop self sufficiency by growing food and living off the land

  • Registered Monarch Waystations

  • Patios walls and walkways

  • Support for community development by hiring out local artisans

Monarch Waystations

Design a monarch waystation and register it to help save this species threatened by extinction.

Tired of too many dangerous chemicals and high maintenance lawns? Replace with a lawn alternative like flowering clover lawns. Or rejuvenate your lawn to a healthy state in order to use less chemicals.

Natural Lawns

Natural maintenance

Regenerative and organic methods are utilized to maintain landscapes in an eco friendly and safe way. Including recycled leaf mulch to ‘leave the leaves’, composting and compost tea. Natural fungicides, herbicides and insecticides.

Kitchen Gardens

Would you like fresh herbs and produce to use in your kitchen? Growing food is printing money.

Taking your landscape to the dinner table

Once you’ve grown it… what the heck do you do with it? How can you harvest and store? Check out my recipes sorted by season of harvest.


Get Involved

How can you take part in your local chapter?

Take Action

Ready to take the next step to support sustainability in your backyard and create the property of your dreams?